Kepler example#

This notebook walks through a few examples that show how to use TRICERATOPS. The examples below show:

  1. How to apply TRICERATOPS on a star observed in a \(\textbf{single}\) \({\it Kepler}\) quarter \(\textbf{without}\) follow up data.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
from lightkurve import KeplerLightCurve
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import triceratops.triceratops as tr

import warnings

Let’s apply the tool on Kepler-10b (KIC 11904151), the first terrestrial planet discovered by Kepler (…729…27B/abstract).

Begin by defining the target star object with the target(ID, sectors) class. The arguments for this class are ID (the KIC ID of the star) and sectors (the quarters in which the star was observed). ID should be an integer and sectors should be a numpy array.

We’ll use quarter 3 for this example, although any combination of quarters would be valid.

ID = 11904151
sectors = np.array([3])
target =, sectors=sectors, mission="Kepler")

Next, let’s define the aperture used to extract the light curve, plot an image of the field, and display a table of nearby stars.

The aperture should be a 2D numpy array with the formal [[col#, row#], [col#, row#], [col#, row#], ...], where where each [col#, row#] is the column and row number of the pixel.

An image of the field can be plotted with the .plot_field(sector, ap_pixels) method. This method takes as optional arguments sector (the image sector you would like to plot) and ap_pixels (the aperture we just defined).

We can display a table of the stars in the image with the .stars attribute. This table contains the separation and position angle of each star from the target star, so that each can be identified in the plot. Note that the “ID” column lists the TIC ID of each star, not the KIC ID.

Note that the scale of a TESS pixel is about 20 arcseconds and a Kepler/K2 pixel is about 4.

ap = np.array([            [655, 247],
               [654, 246], [655, 246], [656, 246],
                           [655, 245]             ])

target.plot_field(sector=3, ap_pixels=ap)

ID Tmag Jmag Hmag Kmag ra dec mass rad Teff plx sep (arcsec) PA (E of N)
0 377780790 10.4767 9.889 9.563 9.496 285.679422 50.241306 1.017 1.089740 5706.0 5.361850 0.000 0.000
1 1717218059 17.8806 NaN NaN NaN 285.680619 50.245790 1.070 0.809877 5895.0 -0.111711 16.375 9.693
2 1717218056 20.0671 NaN NaN NaN 285.677382 50.248546 NaN NaN NaN 0.879011 26.486 349.788
3 1717218060 17.4027 NaN NaN NaN 285.680220 50.249945 1.030 1.055070 5771.0 -0.004017 31.154 3.380
4 377780779 15.8564 14.727 14.117 14.075 285.685892 50.249906 0.700 0.804521 4467.0 0.999995 34.356 25.690
5 1717218057 18.4788 NaN NaN NaN 285.682207 50.251926 NaN NaN 4923.0 0.325102 38.767 9.518

We can now determine which stars in the aperture are bright enough to produce the observed transit. The transit for this TOI has a depth of ~190 ppm. We’ll use the .calc_depths(tdepth, all_ap_pixels) method to do this. This method takes as arguments tdepth (the transit depth of the candidate) and all_ap_pixels (a numpy array of all apertures). After doing this, the .stars table includes the flux ratio contributed by each star in the aperture and the transit depth each star would have if it were the host of the signal.

apertures = np.array([ap])
target.calc_depths(tdepth=0.00019, all_ap_pixels=apertures)
ID Tmag Jmag Hmag Kmag ra dec mass rad Teff plx sep (arcsec) PA (E of N) fluxratio tdepth
0 377780790 10.4767 9.889 9.563 9.496 285.679422 50.241306 1.017 1.089740 5706.0 5.361850 0.000 0.000 9.999993e-01 0.00019
1 1717218059 17.8806 NaN NaN NaN 285.680619 50.245790 1.070 0.809877 5895.0 -0.111711 16.375 9.693 6.626514e-07 0.00000
2 1717218056 20.0671 NaN NaN NaN 285.677382 50.248546 NaN NaN NaN 0.879011 26.486 349.788 1.308192e-14 0.00000
3 1717218060 17.4027 NaN NaN NaN 285.680220 50.249945 1.030 1.055070 5771.0 -0.004017 31.154 3.380 4.187665e-19 0.00000
4 377780779 15.8564 14.727 14.117 14.075 285.685892 50.249906 0.700 0.804521 4467.0 0.999995 34.356 25.690 2.692696e-22 0.00000
5 1717218057 18.4788 NaN NaN NaN 285.682207 50.251926 NaN NaN 4923.0 0.325102 38.767 9.518 4.131923e-30 0.00000

After doing this, we can calculate the probability of each scenario using the .calc_prob(time, flux_0, flux_err_0, P_orb) method, which requires as arguments time (times from phase-folded light curve in units of days from transit center), flux_0 (normalized flux from phase-folded light curve), flux_err_0 (flux error values of the target’s phase-folded light curve), and P_orb (orbital period of the TOI in days).

# read in the light curve
lc = pd.read_csv("Kepler10b_lightcurve.csv", header=None)
time, flux, flux_err = lc[0].values, lc[1].values, lc[2].values
P_orb = 0.837

mask = ~np.isnan(flux)
lc = KeplerLightCurve(time=time[mask], flux=flux[mask], flux_err=flux_err[mask])


target.calc_probs(time=lc.time.value, flux_0=lc.flux.value, flux_err_0=np.mean(lc.flux_err.value),
                  P_orb=P_orb, parallel=True)
Calculating TP, EB, and EBx2P scenario probabilities for 377780790.
Calculating PTP, PEB, and PEBx2P scenario probabilities for 377780790.
Calculating STP, SEB, and SEBx2P scenario probabilities for 377780790.
Calculating DTP, DEB, and DEBx2P scenario probabilities for 377780790.
Calculating BTP, BEB, and BEBx2P scenario probabilities for 377780790.
CPU times: user 4min 40s, sys: 50.1 s, total: 5min 30s
Wall time: 3min 47s

Now that that’s done, let’s check out a table of our results with the .probs attribute and calculate the false positive probability and nearby false positive probability using the .FPP and .NFPP attributes. We expect a scatter of a few percent in our probabilities, so don’t be alarmed if it’s slightly different with each run. We can also plot the transit fits of each scenario using the .plot_fits(time, flux_0, flux_err_0) method.

df_results = target.probs
print("FPP =", target.FPP)
print("NFPP =", target.NFPP)
FPP = 8.359147213754525e-06
NFPP = 0.0
ID scenario M_s R_s P_orb inc ecc w R_p M_EB R_EB prob
0 377780790 TP 1.017000 1.089740 0.837 81.941887 0.137458 301.973062 1.530357 0.000000 0.000000 9.986258e-01
1 377780790 EB 1.017000 1.089740 0.837 62.306030 0.125414 155.004503 0.000000 0.902493 0.940614 0.000000e+00
2 377780790 EBx2P 1.017000 1.089740 1.674 79.804803 0.593447 271.445956 0.000000 0.969306 1.034376 0.000000e+00
3 377780790 PTP 1.017000 1.089740 0.837 83.379944 0.099257 339.859299 2.055697 0.000000 0.000000 1.322033e-03
4 377780790 PEB 1.017000 1.089740 0.837 60.451731 0.114222 122.593120 0.000000 0.953240 1.011065 0.000000e+00
5 377780790 PEBx2P 1.017000 1.089740 1.674 79.770569 0.620781 266.299544 0.000000 0.999198 1.078092 0.000000e+00
6 377780790 STP 0.951171 1.008085 0.837 83.692681 0.237393 326.519230 2.119661 0.000000 0.000000 8.359147e-06
7 377780790 SEB 0.109903 0.133778 0.837 73.517626 0.861199 10.740936 0.000000 0.017933 0.100000 0.000000e+00
8 377780790 SEBx2P 0.193797 0.224327 1.674 87.099013 0.827427 260.175941 0.000000 0.185594 0.216743 0.000000e+00
9 377780790 DTP 1.017000 1.089740 0.837 87.448863 0.505783 350.343154 1.475852 0.000000 0.000000 4.379518e-05
10 377780790 DEB 1.017000 1.089740 0.837 64.745292 0.250926 205.266064 0.000000 0.953028 1.010759 0.000000e+00
11 377780790 DEBx2P 1.017000 1.089740 1.674 79.095540 0.508872 274.831562 0.000000 0.987414 1.060850 0.000000e+00
12 377780790 BTP 1.002000 1.003385 0.837 85.831615 0.295998 200.494018 14.884591 0.000000 0.000000 3.686393e-152
13 377780790 BEB 0.979000 0.920291 0.837 89.490265 0.477375 331.736262 0.000000 0.130606 0.159874 0.000000e+00
14 377780790 BEBx2P 1.252000 1.334553 1.674 74.255047 0.001115 357.936948 0.000000 1.250441 1.334553 0.000000e+00
target.plot_fits(time=lc.time.value, flux_0=lc.flux.value, flux_err_0=np.mean(lc.flux_err.value))

TRICERATOPS predicts that this planet candidate is a bona fide planet with a radius of ~1.5 \(R_\oplus\), which isn’t too far off from the radius reported in the literature. With this FPP, the planet would be considered validated.